January 2022 Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 17 January 2022
Present: Councillors Beattie, Walter, Menzies, Deague and Clerk Mrs S Gregory.
Apologies for absence: Chairman Mr J. Lockwood and Councillor Judge
Minutes of last meeting
These were read and approved.
Agenda Items
Speed Reduction in the Village
Councillor Menzies reported that the Solar Speed sign had been ordered and the new post should be in place at the end of January. The old pole will remain with the 40 sign. The 40 road markings are now in place. Councillor Menzies was thanked for all his hard work.
Fly Tipping
Councillors Menzies and Deague confirmed that all the signs had been refreshed. Councillor Walter mentioned the good work Mr and Mrs Davis were doing carrying out regular litter picks in the village and suggested this should be acknowledged in some way at the Jubilee Party. To be discussed at the next meeting.
Village Hall
Councillor Deague confirmed that the Village Hall would be writing to the Chairman for a donation and it was agreed by all that a donation of £200 would be sent on receipt of the letter by the Chairman.
Defibrillator Training
The Clerk reported that CPR and defibrillator training delivered by LIVES had taken place on Sunday 16 January and the feedback had been very good. However, despite a leaflet being delivered to every household in the village, the response was very poor with only 8 residents and one employee. The LIVES trainers did say they would be happy to do further training for those who were unable to attend this time round.
Councilor Walter stated that the village WhatsApp group should be used to inform residents of the success of the training and disappointment of poor turnout but that further sessions could be organized. The Clerk to action and to thank LIVES.
Clerk reported that the defibrillator pad will be expiring at the end of next month and will need replacing at a cost of £87.84 + VAT. Clerk to go ahead and order new pads.
Litter Pick
Next year’s litter pick will take place on Sunday 20th March meeting in the Church Yard at 10-30am. WhatsApp to be used to inform residents. Clerk to action.
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Sunday 5th June 2022
Councillor Walter confirmed that no further meeting had taken place but requested feedback from the Councillors on what they felt would be the most appropriate commemorative gift/gifts for the residents. It was agreed that the decision should be made by the committee.
Commemorative Bench and Tree
All Councillors agreed that the plaque on the new bench should be the same as the old plaque with both being attached.
Councillor Walter asked if it would be possible to put logo below on the plaque for the tree.
Chairman to sort out tree planting and plaque.
Up to date accounts were circulated and approved.
Precept agreed and signed.
Meeting finished at 6.55pm
Next Meeting
Annual General meeting Tuesday 24th May 2022 at 6.30pm.