AGM 2021
Minutes of Annual General Meeting held at St Michael’s Church Monday 26/7/21
Present: Chairman Mr J. Lockwood, Councillors Deague, Beattie, Walter, Menzies and
Clerk Mrs S Gregory
There were 2 members of the public in attendance. Councillor Judge sent apologies.
Minutes of last meeting
These were read and approved.
Matters arising
Broadband is now up and running and the Chairman thanked Graeme Beattie for all his hard work.
Chairman confirmed that both Planning Applications submitted this year have been approved.
Agenda Items
Speed Reduction in the Village
Councillor Menzies explained that the new speed sign was now in place at the south end of the village and had produced some data, which was made available but the sign would need to be moved to the north end of the village before any meaningful analysis could be made.
Councillor Menzies confirmed that Highways would be putting down 40mph limit road markings when they are next in the area.
Councillor Menzies stated that Highways will not consider amending the speed limit between Brattleby and Cammeringham to 50mph at the present time but Councillor Menzies offered to pursue the matter further with the Local County Councillor.
Street Lighting
Councillor Menzies stated that no upgrade to the lighting will not be undertaken in the near future as LCC has a 5 year programme which it will not alter. The Chairman thanked Councillor Menzies for his efforts.
The end of year accounts which had previously been approved by the Council were circulated.
Fly Tipping
The Chairman reported that the dummy CCTV signs in both laybys had been successful. Councillor Deague stated that there had been a bit of fly tipping at the top of the village and suggested that the signs had been up for some time and it might help to take them down and move them. Councillor Deague to action.
Website –
The website is up and running and the Clerk has undertaken some training to help maintain the site.
WhatsApp Group
The group now has 26 participants and has been used on a number of occasions to share information. The Clerk stated that all of the councillors were able to add residents to the group.
. Village Hall Update/Representative
Councillor Deague agreed to continue as the representative for Cammeringham on the Ingham and Cammeringham Village Hall Committee and reported that the Hall was up and running as well as it could be within the covid restrictions and funds were being invested in improvements including a new room.
Councillor Deague suggested it would be a good idea to use the WhatsApp group to inform residents that Ingham and Cammeringham Village Hall has its own website for bookings and information and discounted rates are available to residents. There is also a tennis court available to use which is no longer locked. Clerk to action.
Defibrillator Training
The Chairman stated that now covid restrictions are being lifted we should organize the training for September/October. Clerk to action.
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Sunday 5th June
Councillor Walter stated that she would get a residents group together and organize a meeting to get arrangements underway. The organization and arrangements will be similar to the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee party in 2012 with residents bringing salads and puddings and the Parish Council supplying the meat and buns. It is hoped that commemorative mugs could be given to residents as before. Councillor Walter to research.
Invitations will be sent to residents and a ‘save this date’ will be put on the notice board and website. Clerk to liaise with Councillor Walter.
Other Village Issues
Councillor Menzies suggested that a possible solution to the problem of rubbish around old A15 area might be to get young people involved, for example a Scout group, to do a litter pick. Councillor Deague stated that there were some unsavory items left there and that the Hackthorn side was the real problem and agreed to speak with the Clerk of Hackthorn Parish Council about the problem and report back.
Councillor Beattie reported that the bench was is a sorry state and would need replacing. It was agreed that it should be replaced possibly with a brown recycled plastic bench for the Jubilee with a new plaque. Chairman to research.
Councillor Walter suggested that the council consider planting a tree in the village for the Jubilee. It was agreed that the green area near the north layby would be a good site.
It was suggested that an Oak, Copper beech or similar tree might be suitable and it would be good idea to have a commemorative plaque. Chairman to research.
Meeting ended 7.15 pm
Annual Parish Meeting Tuesday 19th April 2022
Annual Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 24th May 2022
Next Parish Council Meeting Monday 18th October 2021