AGM 2020

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at St Michael’s Church

on Tuesday 28th July 2020


Present: Chairman Mr J. Lockwood, Councillors Deague, Beattie, Judge, Walter and  Clerk Mrs S Gregory

There were 6 members of the public in attendance.


Minutes of last meeting

These were read and approved.

Matters arising

Speed Reduction in the Village

The Chairman stated that this had been dealt with as all the Check Your Speed signs were now up and in place.

 A member of the public felt it was still an issue with cars and motorbikes speeding through the village.

Councillor Beattie explained that a speed check had been carried out last year by Speed Awareness which resulted in a recommendation that no further action was necessary at that stage. It was agreed that due to the Covid 19 restrictions it would not be a good time to request a new speed check.

The Chairman stated that the Village did not qualify for a Council Speed Camera and it could cost up to £5000 plus maintenance costs to install a system.

A member of the public suggested that rumble strips which are used in Nottinghamshire were a very effective way of reducing speed. It was also suggested that the village could borrow a portable speed camera and that Parish Council could invite a member of the Road Safety Partnership to a council meeting to discuss the issue. Action Parish Clerk

Street Lighting

It was pointed out by a member of the public that the lighting in the village was a combination of LED and amber lighting causing shadowy areas and that highways need to be informed to update the lighting. Action Parish Clerk


Agenda Items

Broadband update

Councillor Beattie reported that fibre broadband was now in the village ahead of schedule with the deadline for connection being October 2020. He stated that all residents would be able to apply for the new service.

The Chairman acknowledged the huge amount of effort Councillor Beattie had put into this successful project and thanked him for all his hard work.

Litter pick

The Chairman reported that the litter pick held on Sunday 15th March 2020 had been a success and would continue to be an annual event taking place at a similar time each year.

Defibrillator Training

The Clerk reported that due to Covid 19 restrictions the training offered by Lives had been put on hold for the time being. There had been little interest from residents to take up the training and a member of the public suggested that this might be because the flyer sent out was not detailed enough and did not state the defibrillator training would include CPR training. Action Parish Clerk

Closure of old A15

The Chairman explained that this was an old part of the A15 with no residential properties that the Parish Council was attempting to get closed as it was a magnet for unsavoury characters and litter. Action Chairman

Village WhatsApp Group

The Clerk reported that there had been a low response from local residents and that Councillor Walter had offered to speak to residents to encourage a greater uptake. A member of the public asked what the purpose of the group was and it was stated that it would be a forum to share information relevant to residents and to try and include the local PCSO. A member of the public was concerned that not all residents would have access to this facility and would therefore be excluded. It was acknowledged that this could be the case with any form of information sharing and that the Clerk should go ahead and set up the group. Action Parish Clerk

Fly Tipping

The Chairman reported that there had been a spate of fly tipping in the layby south of the village and two solutions were being considered:-

1 Cutting the trees back to expose the area. This process, known as crown lifting, has been carried out in the past and did reduce the problem. A letter was sent to WLDC a month ago and we are awaiting a reply.

2 CCTV. Tim Menzies reported that he had been in contact with WLDC regarding the purchase and installation of a camera/cameras by the Parish Council to be monitored by WLDC and had found them unhelpful. We would need to purchase the camera/cameras and obtain permission from the landowners before installing them and someone would have to be responsible for monitoring and capturing the evidence and forwarding it to WLDC. Mr Menzies stated that he has all the information relating to CCTV cameras which he is happy to make available. There would always be a danger that the camera/cameras would be stolen.

A member of the public asked if it would be possible to put up some dummy CCTV  signs. Mr Menzies stated that he was expecting some signs regarding fly tipping from WLDC so it was agreed to wait and see what was on these signs before taking any further action.

Village Hall

Councillor Deague reported that Ingham Village Hall remains shut but is hoping to open in September. The Chairman stated that the Parish Council makes an annual contribution to the Village Hall usually in December.

Village Venture

Councillor Judge reported that the Village Venture is on hold at the moment but they are talking about resuming publication in September, they need to raise funds to keep it running and this is usually done through advertising. It was agreed that the Parish Council would make a contribution as it has done in the past.


Planning application 141361 has recently been submitted for a new dwelling including new access and formation of a private drive at The Cottage, Lincoln Road, Cammeringham.

The Chairman reported that it was proposed to erect a 2000 square foot two story property at the side of the original Cottage. He stated that it would be up to those in adjoining properties to make their own comments but asked if the Parish Council would like to comment.

Councillor Judge expressed a personal interest in the proposal as it is directly behind his own property close to the boundary.

The general feeling from the councillors and general public was that the property was very big for the size of the plot and therefore compromised the existing dwelling and looks out of keeping with buildings within the village. Also the proposal involved an extra access onto the highway and there was concern about the mature trees on the site . It was agreed that  Parish Council should comment accordingly. Action Chairman/Parish Clerk

Council Vacancy

Tim Menzies had put himself forward to take up the vacant position on the council. He was proposed by Sally Gregory the Clerk to the Council and seconded by Councillor Judge. The Chairman welcomed Tim onto the Council.


The end of year accounts which had previously been approved by the Council were circulated. A member of the public asked for an explanation about a couple of items on the account, the Precept income and the payment to LALC. The Chairman explained the Precept was annual funding received from WLDC. The Clerk to the Council, after searching for the invoice was able to state that LALC stood for Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils and Councillor Beattie was able to confirm that this was an annual payment and the organisation offered a lot of support to local councils.

Any other business

A member of the public questioned the fact that the minutes of the Parish Council are not made available to local residents and that some of the larger Parish Councils published minutes in the Village Venture.

The Chairman stated that in future the minutes would be displayed in the Village Notice cabinet. Action Parish Clerk

Next AGM  27th July 2021 at 18.30